change of service中文什么意思

发音:   用"change of service"造句
  • change:    vt. 1.改变,变更,变换,变革。 ...
  • service:    n. 1.服务;工作;公务;职务;事 ...
  • change service:    换发球
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更多例句:  下一页
  1. The changes of service pattern in the digital library
  2. In doubles , at each change of service the previous receiver shall become the server and the partner of the previous server shall become the receiver
  3. The chapter 3 , studies the present situation of service industry . it makes an empirical analysis on the structure changes of service industry by utlizing fdi and reviews the effect
  4. You agree that you are required to pay us the charges for relocation of service installation address , change of service installation telephone number , request of onsite checking or service plan upgrade
  5. Notice all the notices sent to user are transmitted through bulletin , e mail or routine letter . and the modification of the terms of service , the changing of service , or other announcements of crucial events are according to this form


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  9. change of shoreline 什么意思
  10. change of sides 什么意思


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